Renzacci Ironing Machine KZ 1000
The famous KZ series with a special roller for highly uniform ironing, offering models with a usable ironing surface from 1000 up to 2000 mm.
- Automatic finger guard
- 24V low voltage controls
- Emergency stop pushbutton
- Electronic heat regulation
- Reduced sizes for use in small spaces
- High ironing pressure
- Front return of the laundry
- Minimum maintenance
- Availabe with vapours suction system (standard on KZ 2000)
- The machine body is made of zinc-coated sheet steel.
- Quality components, mechanical and electrical trustworthiness,
- Pedal-bar extended over the whole length of the roller, accurate roller cover
- Good hourly output
- Trough made of chrome steel 6 mm thick
- Applications include Dry cleaners, Laundry’s, Laundrettes, Care homes, Hotels