Wet Cleaning

Renzacci Washers & Dryers

Wet Cleaning

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The Key to successful wet cleaning is a total package that includes careful washing, precise drying and high quality finishing. Every phase in the whole process requires high-technology machinery to ensure the best results.

We believe wet cleaning is a total treatment that begins with pre-spotting, use of specialist detergents in the washing stages and ends with ironing and forming of the highest quality.

Renzacci has all the equipment you need to offer your customers a complete wet cleaning solution with the highest standards of quality cleaning and finishing.

Commercial Washing Machines & Tumble Dryers

Renzacci HS16-22kg Washing Machine

Renzacci HS9-13kg Washing Machine

Renzacci Oceano System

Renzacci R+ Commercial Dryer

Machine Removals

Mach 1 Engineering offer a Machine Removal service for businesses that are shutting down, cease trading and that need to relinquish stock

For further information call 01306 882393 or email now

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High Quality Laundry Machinery for many applications including...

Commercial Laundries

Nursing Homes

Gyms/Sports Clubs
